An Academic Approach to Understanding the 2006 Election and Preparing for 2008

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Bringing the blog back

It has been well over a year since my last blog post and well over a year since I had something to say I thought some folks might be interested in reading.

I've decided to start blogging again in the wake of the 2006 election. During that election I work for the Nebraska Democratic Party as one of the folks overseeing some offices in central Nebraska. Following the election a number of people began criticizing what they perceived as failures of the Nebraska Democratic Party's election efforts. Most of those folks are wrong. Most of those folks never set foot in a NDP campaign office and have no basis for their criticism outside of personal speculation and wild rumor.

In my mind, the current discussion among Nebraska Democrats lacks sufficient academic sophistication to learn from the results of the 2006 election and prepare for the 2008 election.

I do not claim to have all of the answers or be right all of the time. I am going to use this blog to couple my "real-world" experiences during the campaign with my academic background in Political Science and Communication. I'm going to cover a lot of ground on this blog: everything from analyzing the 2006 election to discussing what county parties and activists can do to increase our success in the 2008 election cycle. Your comments are welcome and encouraged - but make sure they offer something to the conversation and are not aimed a just criticizing.

Stay tuned...

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